We are a husband and wife team. The two shall be called one, as written in Genesis 2:24 and Ephesians 5:31. Through much prayer and faith in God our paths collided in an amazing way. Our broken roads and God's handy work brought our two testimonies into one to be used in sharing the love of God through Christ Jesus. Honestly, we were both fine where we were at in our walks with God individually before we met but were in persistent prayer that we would not be led by our flesh but by the Spirit of the Living God. With that being said, we were each on opposite sides of the country, one in Pennsylvania and the other in Florida, and met through a Christian match site. We started talking to each other through email but quickly moved to phone conversations. In our phone conversations, we spoke a lot about Scripture and prayed always. Every time we got off the phone, either at church or a devotional one of us would read we started seeing and hearing God's confirmations and signs indicating to us that our paths were called to intersect at this moment. The confirmations consisted of us hearing or reading the very things we talked about the nights prior on the phone while we talked about the Scriptures and prayed. It was truly amazing to note as well, that there were very private prayers that each of us prayed before God alone, that neither one of us knew about each other, that were answered in amazing ways.
(Christopher) I remember one time after a phone conversation where we talked deeply about the biblical roles of husbands and wives where I heard Jeanne expound on the role of a wife in the Scriptures. The interesting thing for me was that when she shared this perspective, up to that point I never heard it put that way in any sermon I had ever heard. That night I prayed and asked God this: "Lord, I get it, You keep showing me that our paths were supposed to intersect. But honestly, that is not so strange, for You bring divine appointments into our lives to accomplish Your will. However, this one seems very different. I have seen all of the confirmations and signs that You have shown to us both. But I need concrete confirmation. Is this just another divine appointment or is this the woman I am to pursue for marriage." (I felt like Gideon putting a fleece before God (Judges 6:36-40) to make sure that what I was experiencing was really coming from Him and not the flesh.) Anyways, the next day, the Holy Spirit had me turn on the TV. And wouldn't you know it, as I listened to a sermon playing on the TV, I literally heard the conversation I had with Jeanne the night before about the biblical roles of husbands and wives complete with the very new perspective I had heard Jeanne share the night before. My prayer was answered and I fully realized that God had surely prepared a helpmate perfect for me.
(Jeanne) I had a prayer that only my pastor and I knew. It had to be very clear to me that what I was getting into was from God and not an old wound or the flesh. I had read a really interesting quote that talked about being led by the Spirit and not the wound. What that meant to me was that, for me personally, in the life I had lived, I had been hurt, so in turn had turned on God and said, "you hurt me, I will hurt You," in anger. But when I turned my back on my sin and turned back to God, I began learning how to truly study the Bible and how to apply it in my life with the help of a wonderful pastor of mine. In the process, I learned that I wanted a truly godly life, which also meant true love that came from God. I also saw godly couples in the church I was at and thought, "wow, this is what I want." When I began praying then for a God fearing man who will love me, I learned that the man is supposed to seek or pursue the woman. My prayer was that God had to make this very black and white for me or else it would go over my head. Anyways, He did just that. So I told the pastor, as I mentioned before about the prayer I prayed and he was the only one that knew about it. So while on the phone with Chris, after already many confirmations from the Lord, he asked me if I wanted to take this relationship to a deeper level. I told him that I do not want to sow any seeds (I didn't want to manipulate to hear what I wanted to hear but was truly in patience waiting upon the Lord.) but had a prayer that I was praying. And that is all I said. Then Chris said (without knowing my prayer), "Jeanne, I just want you to know that I am seeking you out, black and white!" Woosh, that was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I knew then that God was up to something special.
Well, needless to say for the both of us, God had a appointed something wonderful. We were both very lost in this world but God saw something else entirely and chose to redeem us by the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ and brought us together to go and make disciples. (Matthew 28:19-20) Our passion is to live like Jesus Christ in this world, to be a witness for Him, and to bring the light of His knowledge to all.
My life for the most part has been filled with sin, chaos, and destruction. Serving a 6 year sentence on my third felony and a list of misdemeanors to long to recite I broke. It was the Saturday before Christmas in 2011, two years into my 6 year sentence that I heard the Word of God through the ministry in the chapel by outside volunteers. When the Word of God entered my heart at that moment the Holy Spirit said to me, "son, everything you thought life to be up to this point has been a lie and needs to come under subjection to My Word." Upon hearing this, I stood at attention in a room filled with fellow convicts and gave my life to Christ. God has since radically transformed every part of my life and called me as a shepherd of His sheep. My life is dedicated to upholding the integrity of His Word and ministering to the church of today's culture the truth about biblical perfection and holiness through the light of the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
When I was young I was very naive and was always depending on other people to feed me the word of God. As I got older I slowly fell into a sinful life and became very angry at God thinking He was a joke. That is the product of what you get when you have a weak foundation in Christ. After many, many years of living a life full of horrible sin and hating myself and what I became I repented, turned my back completely to the sinful life and was shown how to read the Bible and build a solid foundation in Christ. I learned what He is really about and now I have a personal relationship with Him.
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